Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mess and Dress of the Week and an MYC Recital

A picture of Neil just cause he would have been the only one not in this post and I LOVE his smile. That boy is the sweetest snuggle pie on the planet!
Dress of the Week
I was working on getting the kids in the car and Princess T discovered some sand. Hubby Wubby was tied up with other stuff. Luckily an awesome person came along and helped me get her into the van and I caught a cute picture.
... I didn't do it.

So I made it through another week. Another week of hoppin'. I am thoroughly annoyed with my foot, but I'm trying to stay positive and not let it dampen my spirits. Actually, today was a really awesome day. A super awesome friend dropped by and helped me put up some curtains and swept my floor and took out the garbage for me. Another super awesome person unexpectedly dropped off some tasty food for us. Hmmm... maybe I should break my foot more often. Totally not serious, but today was happy.
Saturday Gordon had a recital. The end to his music year. So he is done until fall. This year the MYC teacher decided to have two recitals because she was having trouble getting a day when all of her students could attend. It ended up that there not very many children that went on the same day that I chose, so the teacher invited Jamin to play a couple pieces at the recital as well even though he is now in private lessons with a different teacher.
Here it is. Enjoy.

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