Monday, May 30, 2011

Challenges and Fun times - Another Week

Occasionally we go out to eat with the kids to remind ourselves why it's not a great idea. So this is a pretty fun place really close to us. There is an arcade and like a 50s hockey theme. It actually wasn't too bad until we decided to have ice cream. I don't know if you can see the big tear on Tegan's face, but she had a bit of a meltdown over the ice cream. I got her vanilla in a cup. She didn't want it and was reaching for my pistachio ice cream cone. So I thought she wanted a cone, so I got her one and put some of her ice cream in it. Still mad. Then Gordon decided he didn't like his bubble gum flavor (not a big deal to him, he just went and played in the arcade room). So I gave Gordon's to Neil who liked the bubble gum flavor and then I gave Neil's strawberry to Tegan. Then everything was happy and Gordon even finished Tegan's vanilla. Leaving the place was another story.

The boys and Tegan playing during Neil's lesson and before their swimming lessons.

They are totally posing in this picture, trying to make it look like they are being crazy. In reality they were really good this week at swimming lessons and listened. =)

Mess of the Week
Someone thought it would be a great idea to shove a whole role of toilet paper down the sink while Mommy was switching the laundry. =P

Dress of the Week
This dress looked so cute on our little princess on Sunday. It is one from her cousin Elisabeth. Tegan says thank you to her fashionable cousin. Oh, and I found these cute little necklaces at Children's Place. She loves to wear necklaces, but always breaks the ones with beads so this was a great find.

Apples! We go through a ton of apples. Mainly because of Neil. He calls himself Appleman. He is like a walking garbage disposal. He loves all fruits and vegetables and eats them all. I had to quit doing a compost because... ok maybe I won't get into that but it was gross. Anyway that apple a day keeps the doctor away... Neil's got that covered.

So my broken foot has been getting better. The only time it really bugs me is at the end of the day when I think about it. Now I can walk on it without crutches which makes life MUCH easier. Hurray for getting better and being able to carry Tegan when I need to! I have another doctor appointment next week, so I'll be able to have my cast off for a few minutes anyway and see how things are going.

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