Saturday, January 29, 2011

Winter Fun =)

I was going to take the kids sledding with some friends yesterday, but it snowed a ton and the visibility was horrible. Gordon was really dissapointed, so I decided to try and make a hill for him to slide down in our yard. It is quite flat, so it took a little engineering, but Gordon liked it. Neil didn't trust my work, so he just watched. Then later Matthew and I went out to eat and then went skating on the river at the Forks. Every time I go there I amazed at how beautiful it is. It is such an amazing experience. Everyone should try it at least once. They had all these cool warming huts all over the place. I took pictures of several of them and they are at the end of the video. One is made of hay and one is made of some kind of cloth that is sprayed with water. Since it is below freezing for a long period of time, the water freezes and provides great insulation. Anyway, I thought they were pretty cool.


Kristi Drennan said...

Adorable! So fun!

Kara said...

"that's some nice ice skating" Li
almost makes me want to live in Canada...every time the fog rolls in and I see it through the window I imagine it is the clouds before a snow storm...sigh
then again, I love to see the upturned earth in
my new garden beds. -Ka

Lsmemoe said...

Thanks, Kara. Only almost. =( I'll have to make a better video. =) I was thinking of you when I was taking pictures of all the cool structures. I know how you love architecture. It is hard to appreciate them in just a picture, though.
That would be cool to be able to have a garden all year round, but I like the break from weeding too.