Well, yesterday was Mother's day. It was a good one. Matthew surprised me with breakfast in the morning. He wanted to finish before I woke up, but Tegan got up early, so I caught him making it. =) Jamin made me some cute flowers and coupons. I love those homemade gifts. They are the best. After church, I had a pretty relaxing afternoon with the kids. Then we went over to Matthew's parents for dinner. Matthew and his Dad were in charge of the meal. Matthew brought fruit and veggie trays and buns. Matthew's dad grilled some steaks and provided some cheesecake from Barneys. The missionaries came and it was a good time.
Soon after the missionaries were gone, Neil was playing with blocks, he stood up, I think he got upset about something, tripped over a block and then landed head first on the corner of the fireplace. Neil and I spent the rest of the evening at the emergency room.
He had a little gash right between his eyes. Luckily he did not need stiches. They used some special glue and surgical tape to close his wound. I did get to spend some quality time with Neil. I had to keep him occupied the whole time because he kept wanting to rub his injury. He really likes letters so we kept talking about all the letters he saw. One thing I thought was pretty funny. A nurse heard him all excited about all the letters he was seeing and said she thought he would make a good optometrist some day. Then I said well actually my husband is an optometrist, so maybe he would like to be like his dad.
Oh no! What a scary way to spend Mother's Day. I guess having boys increases your chances for going to the Emergency room, right? Love to see all of your photos!
I'm pretty sure that is a definite possibility. They recognize us now when we come in. Our hospital is pretty small, though. Hopefully we won't have to go there again for a while. =)
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