Friday, June 14, 2013

Make it a Great Day

The sweetest people I know is an elderly couple at church.  The husband always says, "Make it a great day."  If I say, "Have a great day!"  Then he says, "No, MAKE it a great day."
We all face challenges.  Everyone's challenges are different.  However, it isn't WHAT we go through... it is HOW we go through it.  Let's be honest.  Life stinks sometimes.  Sometimes it can be really crazy hard.
I truly believe that no matter what you go through, happiness is a choice.  No one else can make you happy, but there are some things you can do to help yourself get there.
When I lost Gordon, I really wished there was some kind of rule book... What to do When You See You're 7 Year Old Child Die in a Car Accident.  Complete with a step by step guide on how to react and cope and exactly what to do.  Crazy thing, it doesn't exist.  Because everyone is different.   (If you do know of this book.  I want one!)  We all go through different stuff and it is tough.
The very same day that my Gordon died, there was another tragedy where several little children and adults too were killed in a shooting in Newton, Connecticut.  There was one family that was in the news that lost a little girl named Emilie.  A beautiful little girl that I am sure Gordon immediately became friends with up in heaven.  I felt such a connection to this family.  We lost a young child on the same day.  We are both Mormons.  We both have other young children.  So many similarities, however, I can see what they are going through is quite different.  I can see their strength.  Although I really have no idea since I don't really know them at all.  I just follow their blog (http://theparkerfive.wordpress.com).  Tons of people encourage them and are praying and rooting for them, but lots of people are real jerks to them too saying horrible things.  Being in the public eye brings a whole other element to the mix.  So my point is, even if you have gone through something traumatic, we are different and there are different ways of dealing with things.  I think it is important not to judge others because till you walk in their shoes, you just have no idea.
I have really tried to deal with my loss in a positive way.  I am a work in progress.  I miss that sweet guy.  I still cry and get angry at people in my heart sometimes for not being sensitive and kind to me.  Even people that have no idea what I have been through.  Most people are pretty nice to me, though.
I watched the movie Ramona and Beezus tonight with my little girl and baby since the bigger boys are on a Father/son outing.  Not really a movie that would make you cry. It made me bawl so hard because that Ramona reminded me so much of my Gordon.  I think the longing for him and the hole in my heart will maybe never go away.  But I can still be happy.  I can still enjoy life and be a good Mom to my other children who are still on this Earth and my child in heaven by preserving his memory.  I can still be kind to those around me.  I can still have great days.
How, you might ask?
Well, here it is.

Lisa's five steps to make it a great day.

1. Exercise - at least 3 times a week
    I like to run, but not everyone is able to do that.  Find something you enjoy that moves your body and produces those endorphins.  I sometimes lack the motivation to start running, but once I start and when I am done I feel so good.  It is fantastic.
2. Help someone at least once a day.
   Look around, and be thinking about helping people and it is easy to do.
Service is great therapy.  It gets me all excited when I am able to help someone out.
3. Go outside - get your vitamin D
  I love the sunshine.
4. Talk to people and smile.
  Smiling is contagious.  Spread it around.  =)
 There are a lot of good people and programs out there that can be a support to you.  I meet amazing people all the time.  So many people have been through different things.  Listen to them and share your story as well because we all have a story.
5. Choose to be happy
  Maybe this should be number one.  You won't do any of these things unless you make a choice and give yourself permission to be happy.  Gordon would want me to be happy.  He was a happy guy.

Then when you are being happy, take a picture and record it.  Remember those happy times.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Great ideas for making it a great day, Lisa!