Thursday, October 6, 2011

Crazy Nice Weather, X-Country Run, and General Conference

So the weather lately has been super crazy nice out. The leaves are falling, it is October and we haven't had to wear jackets lately! Yes, it is awesome. So we have been able to spend time in the evenings bike riding
and playing at the park
and Gordon finally learned to ride his new bike with NO TRAINING WHEELS!!! Hurray for Gordon!
Jamin had his big x-country race this week. He did awesome. He ran the whole way. In case you can't tell, he is the crazy one wearing pants. I brought him shorts, but he said he was comfy the way he was.
Neil watching the race. =) All the leaves are changing.
This is Jamin coming up to the finish line. You actually can't really see him. The kid that you see stopped to walk up this hill and was looking around. Jamin was running past him. =)
Here is back at the starting line. All the fourth grade boys.

Dress of the Week
A pretty flower in the not so pretty garden. Everything needs to be pulled out and the ground tilled, but it has been so nice out that the tomatoes are finally turning red and new sprouts of broccoli are coming out. So I am leaving it for now.
This weekend was General Conference. I love conference. It is so happy. 8 hours of talks from the Prophet, Apostles, and General Authorities. All inspiring and uplifting. We stayed home and watched them all from our computer. I got to keep my hubby at home the whole time. =) We had crepes for breakfast on Sunday and had the family over in the evening. I made these mini cheesecakes for dessert(thanks Kristina). Jamin was very excited.

Highlights of conference:
I always enjoy Elder Dieter Uchdorf's talks. He makes you feel how important you are and he has an awesome accent. =) He said, "God knows that some of the greatest souls who have ever lived are those who will never appear in the chronicles of history. They are the blessed, humble souls who emulate the Savior’s example and spend the days of their lives doing good."
I also enjoyed Elder Neil Andersen's talk. The kids get really excited when he talks since he has the same name as our little Neil. But his talk made me feel really happy inside about our choice to expand our family and the joys and blessings of being a mother. I appreciated his sensitivity to those who are not able to or have difficuty having children. He said, "I testify of the great blessing of children and of the happiness they will bring us in this life and in the eternities."
I love loved the Children's choir. It was so sweet to watch. They did such a great job. My kids totally wanted to be there.
There seemed to be lots of talks on reading and studying the scriptures. So that's something perhaps I need to work more on.
Overall, great conference. Made me feel happy and energized to try and be a better person.

After dinner, we read scriptures and Breanne was letting Tegan push her face which made Tegan laugh hysterically. It was a little disruptive, but it was so cute I had to take a picture.
Aren't those super cute pajamas? Thank you cousin Elisabeth. =)
Good night hugs. Time to get ready for bed, so the adults can play some Settlers of Catan.
Tegan's turn.

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