Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Corn Maze, Dance, Garden Goods, and Dress of the Week

Our branch had an awesome activity at a corn maze that is close by. We had a hot dog roast and got to do all the activities there. People could dress up if they wanted. Gordon and Neil wore their dinosaur costumes. Actually, they might be dragon costumes, not really sure, but the boys call themselves dinosaurs. I brought Tegan's cinderella costume, but she refused to wear it. Crazy, I know.

I was there. =)

We took a ride on this train thing to a visit some deer and turkeys.

Jamin and his "cookie buddies." That's what they told me to write.

Jamin posing with his shocked/surprised look.

We were able to pet the animals. The turkey was very soft. The kids loved it. We had to pay a little extra for to go on the train, but it was worth it.

King Dino Gordon on top of the Hay Bails.

In the wood maze. A little easier for the kids than the corn maze.

Jamin learning some hip-hop at a stake church activity. It was suppose to be 14 and up, but Jamin has tennis Friday nights, so he had to come with us. He loved it.

Collecting some of the last of the garden goods. It is getting cold, so everything is dying. The winds are changing.

I'll do better next year with the weeds. I got off to a bad start with a broken foot and then I was gone for half the summer. Most of our onions got choked by the weeds. ... but Neil is cute. =)
The goods

Mmmm... broccoli!

Dress of the Week
I didn't get a good picture of her outfit this week. It is so hard to get her to hold still for pictures lately. She was wearing a cute strawberry skirt with cute red shoes.


Kara said...

those are some beautiful tomatoes.
My plants have some kind of disease this last month, and half the tomatoes have bugs. I think I will pull them out soon. Love to see your life, thanks for sharing

Mom and Pop said...

I agree with Kara. It's great to see these pictures and see what your family is doing sooo far away. Loved all pictures. Your garden looks yummy.