Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tegan's Birthday and Some Other Stuff

Hanging out at the Children's hospital...

These pictures are a little old. We spent a whole lot of time at the hospital the last few weeks getting Tegan's bandages changed, but Monday was our last appointment. Hurray!! All of her bandages are off now and everything is healing well. She might have one little scar on her leg, but other than that she should be fine. I just need to be sure to use lots of sunscreen on her for a while.

Dress of the Week
Miss Tegan escaped to the garden. She needed a bath after this which was her first time since her accident. It was quite the process, but she thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tinkertown for Tegan's birthday!!

Can you tell all of my meticulous planning that went into this cake? I know, it is lame.
On the train!
Neil loved driving the red car.

On the roller coaster.

The big slide. Tegan went down with me and giggled going down. =)
Opening presents
Tegan loves her Grandma. She will often go to her over me. I think it is cute.

Random... Neil loves banana peppers.
How did he get that on? heehehe
First Day of School!!! I love these guys. They have really been enjoying school, and I have had only good reports so far. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good year. They all have great teachers.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Glad she is almost healed.
How are you feeling these days?
Hugs to you, and here is hoping for a couple of girls to join the family;)