Monday, October 4, 2010

Running, Running, Running

I love running. I usually run two to three times a week on my treadmill. I would prefer to run outside, but most of the time it is just not possible. I started running in high school because I had a couple of friends that did it too and I just haven't stopped.
Now my Jamin has picked up the hobby, much sooner than I did. He was able to join his cross country team this year. He practices at lunch time and after school he tells me that it is one of his favorite parts of the day. I got to go watch him run today and he did a great job. Most people that know Jamin, though, knows that he is quite the talker. He was talking to everyone while he was racing. =) It was pretty entertaining to watch. I am interested to see how he improves next year.
The starting line - all 3rd grade boys

Almost to the finish


Home With the Kids :) said...

Way to go Jamin!! You people who like to run are crazy. I never understood that. But I still think it's cool. Does he lose weight (not that he needs to) I just wonder what so much exercise would do to a kid?

Lsmemoe said...

I think most kids run a lot at recess and PE and stuff. He might be a little more slender than he was in the summer. I don't know. I'm sure the amount he eats makes up for it. He only had practice 2 or 3 times a week and I think they ran about a mile. The race was one mile and that was his culminating event. I think he still wants to keep running though throughout the year. We'll see what happens.

Unknown said...

This made me smile. That is our Jamin! Love your kids. Still wish we lived closer. Maybe I should come stay with you next summer for a month. :-)

Lsmemoe said...

That would be awesome! Our doors are always open, at least for you, Kristi. ;)