Monday, July 25, 2011

Swimming, Kite flying attempt, Food Bank service project, new phone and Dress of the Week =)

Neil is such a little fish.

head dipping
Jamin jumping
Gord jumping
more swimming
I thought this was so cute. The two of them sitting on the side of the pool.
We attempted some kite flying this week. It was a really windy day.
Our friend that came with us got hers up.
We were a little less successful. It got stuck in a tree. We'll try again this week. Perhaps on a little less windy day.
Our church did a huge service project this week. We put door hangers out throughout the week. Then on Saturday, we picked up the food. Our little branch collected about 1600 pounds of food for the local food banks. Everything helps this time of year.
Dress of the Week
Me taking a picture with my new iPhone. Hubby had a big optometry conference this weekend. We had a babysitter for about 20 hours this week for all the stuff that I went to as well. Thursday morning we went to a memory seminar. It was fascinating and quite entertaining. He taught us a way of remembering names and how to remember lists of things by associating them with a predetermined set of objects. We bought his set of 16 cds that are suppose to help us learn to be smarter. I have yet to look at them, but I will... eventually.
Anyway, on Friday we had a couple hours between the trade show and his class reunion dinner so Matthew asked if I wanted to go get an iPhone. He got one last month. It took a few seconds of arm twisting, but I agreed. =) It's an awesome phone. He got me the two year warranty since I tend to be hard on my phones and the most protective case they had. Actually the two previous pictures are with my phone too. The camera on the front doesn't take as high quality pictures as the camera on the back of the phone.

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