Sunday, March 6, 2011

Visit to Kid City

Friday there was no school. Jamin was invited to a birthday party at Kid City, so we all decided to go. Well, the kids and I. Here are some pictures...
Neil was soooo cute. He kept posing for pictures. I took a bunch of him and pretended to take more. The battery in the camera died eventually. He loved the place and was happy the whole time.

Tegan was happy a lot of the time, but got sleepy for part of it. We went in the afternoon, so it was over nap time. She started out in the toddler area, but got bored of it after a little while.
Tegan wanted to be with her big brothers and go on the big slides. So Jamin kindly helped her climb up and went down a big slide with her. He's such a good big brother.
Then Tegan found a new friend. This girl is in Gordon's gymnastics class and loved following Tegan around for a while.
Then Tegan became confident to climb up and go down on her own. So she did over and over and over again. But she stuck to this one slide most the time.
She did take a little break to enjoy some food.
Jamin walking with Gordon. Jamin made sure Gordon had fun and introduced him to all his friends.

Overall, it was a good time. Only a few speed bumps. On the way there, Gordon had to go potty REALLY bad, so I was trying to get to a gas station unfortunately a little too quickly. I got pulled over for the very first time in Canada and got a huge stinkin ticket. (I am never speeding again, btw) Holy moly, tickets are expensive here. Anyway, I got out of the car while the officers were writing the ticket and let Gordon pee on the side of the road so he didn't wet his pants.
Then leaving Kid City was a little tricky, but we got there. We just left Jamin's red sweater in the process. So it was a kind of pricy excursion, but it was good memories and something to look back on and laugh. =)


Loren said...

I think I received a ticket last week too.....For not stopping at the stop line on a right hand turn....it was an automatic ticket....flash of light and...sigh....no one to protest to, just myself to argue with, and a wish that automatic drivers would come into their own so I wouldn't have to worry about driving any more.

Lsmemoe said...

Oh, sad. I know, there has to be a better way, right? There is a lady in our branch who is blind and has to rely on her hubby to drive her around and they live pretty far from everything. I always tell her it isn't her that is messed up, it's the rest of the world. Technology just hasn't caught up yet.